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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Daniel Cult

Nice post and I adore your resolutions. This year I’ve been to an open-sea sauna in Sweden and it was marvelous. I wish there was more of a sauna culture in Eastern Europe, unfortunately the only ones available here are gay meet-up spots. Do you have a regimen to follow when bulking?

Re: Saltburn, the "class-concious" filmmaking of loaded directors is getting on my nerves at this point. While visually great (it reminds me of 2000s movies in that regard), it falls on its face so fast. Funny how it's her second movie (with this shit of an ending).

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Author

I would like to go on a "water tour" around the world, visiting grottos, saunas, hot springs, etc. Though I grew up landlocked, I have a deep fascination with water, cleansing, purification rituals, etc. That said, I haven't actually been to a sauna! Most of the ones around me are parts of expensive spa packages—nothing you could do as a part of a weekly regimen.

As far as bulking goes, I'm running the 5/3/1 BBB program (https://www.jimwendler.com/blogs/jimwendler-com/101077382-boring-but-big) while trying to eat 3,100 cal/day. I've used a TDEE spreadsheet (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7gGXXQIy4R4ejRRNkZHZHFDOW8/view?resourcekey=0-6D2ColRi_grLWCiE63F0MA) to calculate my daily calories and body weight, and given my metabolism and activity levels, I really have to hit that 3,100 threshold daily to gain _any_ weight. It's been a slow process because I also try to eat healthy foods. Probably better ways of doing it.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Daniel Cult

So much interesting here. For one, I think you nailed it with podcasters and the 4HL. It seems like these days people with a 4HL and Creators are farther apart than ever. The things that make a podcaster a podcaster - engaging with people online, caring about as many topics as possible - also make a normal person a podcaster.

What I'm saying is, podcasters seem to live a very different lifestyle, and it seems like it's become more responsible for a creator to stay online and more hazardous for a consumer to stay online. This gives us consumers a highly different culture than the cultural critics.

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Finally someone understands the dick-bond, I've known it for years but could never put it to words

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I would die for any man whose dick I've seen. It's just that simple.

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Huge DFW fanboy here...love your work and thoughts on sincerity. Your thoughts on film of anxiety in the photoshoots stuck with me.

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